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Daviess County:
Students of Washington High School, Daviess County, Indiana (1935)
Digital images of the students in grades 9 through 12, as listed in Washington High School's 1935 yearbook,
The Washingtonian 1935. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
Teachers of Washington High School, Daviess County, Indiana (1935)
Digital images of the teachers in grades 9 through 12, as listed in Washington High School's 1935 yearbook,
The Washingtonian 1935. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
Fountain County:
History of Osborn Prairie Christian Church, Van Buren Township, Fountain County, Indiana (1838-1938)
Digital images of a 1938 booklet about a church celebrating its centennial. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
Jay County:
History of New Corydon, Jay County, Indiana (1821-1971)
Digital images of a 1971 booklet about a town celebrating its sesquicentennial. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
Montgomery County:
Students of Crawfordsville High School, Montgomery County, Indiana (1924)
Digital images of the students in grades 7 through 12, as listed in Crawfordsville High School's 1924 yearbook,
The Athenian 1924. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
Teachers of Crawfordsville High School, Montgomery County, Indiana (1924)
Digital images of the teachers in grades 7 through 12, as listed in Crawfordsville High School's 1924 yearbook,
The Athenian 1924. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
Noble County:
Graduates of Ligonier High School, Noble County, Indiana (1944)
An index of students who graduated from Ligonier High School, as listed in the school's 1944 commencement program.
Porter County:
Students of Valparaiso High School, Porter County, Indiana (1915)
An index of students at Valparaiso High School, as listed in the school's 1915 yearbook, "The Tubican." NOTE: This index only contains information on the students in the senior class.
Colleges and Universities:
Graduates of Ball State Teachers College, Muncie (1941)
An index of students who graduated from Ball State, as listed in a 1941
commencement program. This index contains the student's name, hometown,
and the degree they received. NOTE: Ball State Teachers College changed
its name to Ball State University in 1965.
Graduates of Indiana University, Bloomington (1906)
index of students who graduated from Indiana University, as listed
in a 1906 commencement program. This index includes the student's name,
hometown, degree they received and the subject of their degree.
Graduates of Oakland City College, Gibson County, Indiana (1960)
index of students who graduated from Oakland City College, as
listed in a 1960 commencement program. This index includes the student's
name, hometown, and the degree they received. NOTE: Oakland City
College later changed its name to Oakland City University.
From The Athenian, Crawfordsville High School, Crawfordsville, Indiana, 1924. |