When clerks filled out a marriage license form, they spelled the bride and groom's names the way they thought they were spelled. The bride or groom, however, when they signed the license application, used the spelling they were used to using. Which one do you think is more likely to show the correct name?
Please look for signatures of the bride and/or groom and use the spelling they used if it is at all readable!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Query: HOPPER of Greene County or Orange County
HOPPER—Seeking help getting over my brick wall regarding the parents of James R. HOPPER (variations in spelling of last name are possible), who was born about 1831 in Indiana. He was probably from either Greene County or Orange County. He married Mary Frances ODELL (born about 1837 in Indiana) on 7 September 1853 in Greene County, Indiana. She was the daughter of Isaac Odell and Elizabeth LAMB. James and Mary moved to Ash Grove Township, Shelby County, Illinois in 1855 and were there for the 1860 census, then were in the 1870 and 1880 censuses in Cumberland County, Illinois. They had 11 children, all of whom were born in Illinois. Mary’s retarded sister, Lucinda Odell (born about 1850 in Indiana), lived with them in the 1870 census.
Contact: Mary Patchett (6022 East 18th St., Tucson AZ 85711; maryp@theriver.com)
Contact: Mary Patchett (6022 East 18th St., Tucson AZ 85711; maryp@theriver.com)
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Indiana Civil War Book

Copies of A Civil War History of the 84th Indiana Regiment are available for $15. Copies may be purchased by contacting Sharon Ogzewalla (Sogzewalla@gmail.com)
Marriage Indexing: 250,000
ONE QUARTER OF A MILLION RECORDS! Can you believe it? And in less that six months.
This bunch of genealogists have finally put the word awesome back in my vocabulary (teenagers took it out with its overuse). A common purpose and a handful of willing people and it is amazing what can be accomplished.
This bunch of genealogists have finally put the word awesome back in my vocabulary (teenagers took it out with its overuse). A common purpose and a handful of willing people and it is amazing what can be accomplished.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Query: SKINNER/BURTON of Decatur County
SKINNER/BURTON—Looking for information about the families of Barnett SKINNER (born 1810-1820; died 1840-1850) and Rebecca BURTON (born about 1809; died after 1850). They were married 5 October 1832 in Decatur County, Indiana. Rebecca is the head of household in the 1850 census for Decatur County, living in Adams Township. Some of their children also lived in Sand Creek Township and Washington Township.
Barnett and Rebecca Skinner had children:
--James A. Skinner (born about 1834 in Indiana; died after 1870)—married Elizabeth ?? (born about 1836 in Indiana; died after 1870) about 1860
--Perlina Skinner (born about 1836 in Indiana; died after 1850)
--Margaret Skinner (born about 1838 in Indiana; died after 1850)
--John T. Skinner (born about 1839 in Indiana; died after 1850)
--Barnett Q. (or G.?) Skinner (born about 1841 in Indiana; died after 1870)—married Ann E. (born about 1842 in Ohio; died after 1870) about 1867
--Sanford S. Skinner (born about 1844 in Indiana; died after 1850)
--Sarah E. Skinner (born about 1848 in Indiana; died after 1860)
There is also a George Skinner who married Sally Burton on 23 September 1834 in Decatur County—how are they related to Barnett Skinner and Rebecca Burton? Where are Barnett and Rebecca Skinner buried?
Contact: Linda Fredin (ljf@mindspring.com)
Barnett and Rebecca Skinner had children:
--James A. Skinner (born about 1834 in Indiana; died after 1870)—married Elizabeth ?? (born about 1836 in Indiana; died after 1870) about 1860
--Perlina Skinner (born about 1836 in Indiana; died after 1850)
--Margaret Skinner (born about 1838 in Indiana; died after 1850)
--John T. Skinner (born about 1839 in Indiana; died after 1850)
--Barnett Q. (or G.?) Skinner (born about 1841 in Indiana; died after 1870)—married Ann E. (born about 1842 in Ohio; died after 1870) about 1867
--Sanford S. Skinner (born about 1844 in Indiana; died after 1850)
--Sarah E. Skinner (born about 1848 in Indiana; died after 1860)
There is also a George Skinner who married Sally Burton on 23 September 1834 in Decatur County—how are they related to Barnett Skinner and Rebecca Burton? Where are Barnett and Rebecca Skinner buried?
Contact: Linda Fredin (ljf@mindspring.com)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Curt Witcher Awarded Filby Prize

Curt is a former president of the National Genealogical Society and the Federation of Genealogical Societies. He is also the founding president of the Indiana Genealogical Society and was named a Fellow of IGS in 2006 in recognition of his continuing efforts.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Query: DAY of Hendricks County
DAY--George DAY (born about 1813 in Kentucky) and Elizabeth WHITE (born 1828 in Ohio; died April 1887) were married 27 December 1846 in Marion County, Indiana, and their first child, Mary Catherine Day, was born there in 1847. Mary Catherine married William Peter DICKSON on 27 August 1870 in Hendricks County, Indiana. Her parents first appear in Hendricks County in the 1860 census, living in Eel River Township.
George and Elizabeth’s other children in the 1860 census were:
--John W. Day (born 1852)—not found again as John; however, a William with similar birth year becomes an often referenced Day within family connections. He married Perlie DICKS in 1889 and I believe a Myrtle YANCY in 1897.
--Robert E. Day (born March 1855)--married Sarah Ann TUCKER on 18 January 1882 in Hendricks County.
--George Washington Day (born 1854)--married Paralee Tucker on 1 October 1885 in Hendricks County.
--Drucille Olive Day (born 1857)—married Charles R.L. MERRILL on 2 March 1879 in Hendricks County.
--Ida D. Day (born 1862)--married John Merrill on 19 April 1883 in Hendricks County. The Merrills were from Hancock County and William Merrill is found in Hancock County in later censuses
--Morton M. Day (born about 1866)--moved to Portland, Oregon where he married and had 4 sons and died.
Three other children appear in the 1880 census but no further mention of them is found:
--James Ellsworth Day (born 1867)
--Franklin A. Day (born June 1870)
--Flora J. Day (born 1872; died 1894)
Elizabeth Day died a tragic death when her clothing caught fire while making soap. George was a farmer but no land or tax records have been found. I have information regarding Mary Catherine Day and the Dickson family but am seeking information about any of the Days.
Contact: Carolyn Dickson Schomer (604 Arrowhead Trail, Warner Robins GA 31088; schomerc@bellsouth.net)
George and Elizabeth’s other children in the 1860 census were:
--John W. Day (born 1852)—not found again as John; however, a William with similar birth year becomes an often referenced Day within family connections. He married Perlie DICKS in 1889 and I believe a Myrtle YANCY in 1897.
--Robert E. Day (born March 1855)--married Sarah Ann TUCKER on 18 January 1882 in Hendricks County.
--George Washington Day (born 1854)--married Paralee Tucker on 1 October 1885 in Hendricks County.
--Drucille Olive Day (born 1857)—married Charles R.L. MERRILL on 2 March 1879 in Hendricks County.
--Ida D. Day (born 1862)--married John Merrill on 19 April 1883 in Hendricks County. The Merrills were from Hancock County and William Merrill is found in Hancock County in later censuses
--Morton M. Day (born about 1866)--moved to Portland, Oregon where he married and had 4 sons and died.
Three other children appear in the 1880 census but no further mention of them is found:
--James Ellsworth Day (born 1867)
--Franklin A. Day (born June 1870)
--Flora J. Day (born 1872; died 1894)
Elizabeth Day died a tragic death when her clothing caught fire while making soap. George was a farmer but no land or tax records have been found. I have information regarding Mary Catherine Day and the Dickson family but am seeking information about any of the Days.
Contact: Carolyn Dickson Schomer (604 Arrowhead Trail, Warner Robins GA 31088; schomerc@bellsouth.net)
Query: MAXWELL of Henry County
MAXWELL--William MAXWELL (born July 1778; died April 1841 in Henry County, Indiana) and wife Mary came from New Jersey to Henry County, Indiana, before 1828. A son, Aaron (born in 1796 in New Jersey), and his wife, Elizabeth (born in 1798), also came to Henry County before 1826. Other children may also have come, as there is another Maxwell in the county about the same time.
It also appears that Aaron Maxwell brought some children with him in addition to the 8 he had in Indiana:
--Eliza Jane--married George W. TYER, also of Henry County
--William H.--married Rebecca ??
--Aaron W.—married Mary E. STEVENSON on 3 April 1860 in Henry County
--twins who died as children
--James--married Henrietta ??
--Robert D.--married Mary J. SHINN on 9 October 1856 in Henry County and had two sons, Henry M. and Charles M., before he died in 1860.
--Henry McNeely
William, Aaron and William H. Maxwell all had land in Henry County and were farmers. Aaron was described as the "first businessman" in a small community in the southwest corner of the county. Most of the children and known grandchildren are buried in the Knightstown Cemetery. I have information regarding Eliza Jane Maxwell and the Tyer family but am seeking information about any of the Maxwells.
Contact: Carolyn Schomer (604 Arrowhead Trail, Warner Robins GA 31088; schomerc@bellsouth.net)
It also appears that Aaron Maxwell brought some children with him in addition to the 8 he had in Indiana:
--Eliza Jane--married George W. TYER, also of Henry County
--William H.--married Rebecca ??
--Aaron W.—married Mary E. STEVENSON on 3 April 1860 in Henry County
--twins who died as children
--James--married Henrietta ??
--Robert D.--married Mary J. SHINN on 9 October 1856 in Henry County and had two sons, Henry M. and Charles M., before he died in 1860.
--Henry McNeely
William, Aaron and William H. Maxwell all had land in Henry County and were farmers. Aaron was described as the "first businessman" in a small community in the southwest corner of the county. Most of the children and known grandchildren are buried in the Knightstown Cemetery. I have information regarding Eliza Jane Maxwell and the Tyer family but am seeking information about any of the Maxwells.
Contact: Carolyn Schomer (604 Arrowhead Trail, Warner Robins GA 31088; schomerc@bellsouth.net)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Indianapolis Atlases for Sale
The Genealogical Society of Marion County (http://www.rootsweb.com/~ingsmc/) is having a special sale until June 30 on a couple of their historical atlases. The Atlas of Indianapolis and Marion County Indiana 1899 (13" x 11"; hardbound; regularly priced at $32) and the Marion County 1855 Wall Map Atlas (14" x 11"; softbound; regularly priced at $12) are available together for just $35--a price which includes shipping & handling (note: Indiana residents must add $2.10 to their order for sales tax). Make checks payable to Genealogical Society of Marion County and mail to: Genealogical Society of Marion County, P.O. Box 2292, Indianapolis IN 46206.
Marriage Indexing: A Couple of Things to Watch For:
Some of the Decatur County information for a license and/or marriage is not always on just one image. The license might be on the first image and a couple of images later, you find the marriage information. DO NOT try to pair these up. Index each as though it were a separate record, recording what is there and marking as blank (Ctrl+B) any fields that have missing information. When you get to the second image, do the same thing -- index what is there and mark as blank (Ctrl+B) the fields for the missing information.
Even though you should set the number of records per image as you begin each batch, watch out of the oddball image that will have more or less than what you thought. For example, you may set the number of records per image as 4 for a batch and then later find one of the images contains 5 records rather than 4. In the middle of your screen, there are icons that let you add a record for one image or delete a record for just one image. Make yourself familiar with those icons and I think you'll find them useful.
Even though you should set the number of records per image as you begin each batch, watch out of the oddball image that will have more or less than what you thought. For example, you may set the number of records per image as 4 for a batch and then later find one of the images contains 5 records rather than 4. In the middle of your screen, there are icons that let you add a record for one image or delete a record for just one image. Make yourself familiar with those icons and I think you'll find them useful.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Query: BLUE/ALLEN/RAYER of Indianapolis
BLUE/ALLEN/RAYER—We have an old family Bible in our possession that contains information on individuals in these families, and we would like to give it to a descendant. Specifically, the Bible mentions William BLUE (born 26 September 1877) and wife Emma KOESTER (born 14 June 1879), who were married 6 August 1899 in Marion County, Indiana, and their children:
--Helen (Blue) Maxwell (born 7 August 1901)
--Virgil Charles Blue (born 5 September 1903)
--Roy Edward Blue (born 30 December 1907)
--William Russell Blue (born 2 June 1925)
The Bible also mentions the children of William Blue’s sister, Ella Blue (born about 1868), who married William RAYER (born about 1864) on 17 November 1886 in Marion County:
--Charlie W. Rayer (born 28 October 1890)
--Nellie Alice Rayer (born 14 March 1893)
--Frank Allen Rayer (born 13 July 1897)
William Blue was the son of William G. Blue (born about 1838 in Indiana) and Mary C. ALLEN (born about 1846 in Ohio), who were married 26 February 1868 in Marion County. The Bible also mentions some Allens, who may be some relation to Mary C. Allen:
--Jeremiah Allen (born 26 May 1828)
--Melinda Allen (born 19 June 1830)
--Isaac Allen born (14 August 1832)
--Lydia Ann Allen (born 9 April 1842)
--James P. Allen (born 10 September 1847)
--David S. Allen (born 10 June 1850)
--Charles P. Allen (born 17 May 1853)
William and Emma Blue were living in Indianapolis in the 1900 and 1910 censuses (residing at 1329 Cornell Ave. and 542 Tennessee Ave., respectively), then moved to Delaware Township, Hamilton County, Indiana for the 1920 and 1930 censuses, where he was a farmer.
Contact: Lynn Hiller (4927 Grandview Circle, Midland MI 48640; terry.lynn@hotmail.com)
--Helen (Blue) Maxwell (born 7 August 1901)
--Virgil Charles Blue (born 5 September 1903)
--Roy Edward Blue (born 30 December 1907)
--William Russell Blue (born 2 June 1925)
The Bible also mentions the children of William Blue’s sister, Ella Blue (born about 1868), who married William RAYER (born about 1864) on 17 November 1886 in Marion County:
--Charlie W. Rayer (born 28 October 1890)
--Nellie Alice Rayer (born 14 March 1893)
--Frank Allen Rayer (born 13 July 1897)
William Blue was the son of William G. Blue (born about 1838 in Indiana) and Mary C. ALLEN (born about 1846 in Ohio), who were married 26 February 1868 in Marion County. The Bible also mentions some Allens, who may be some relation to Mary C. Allen:
--Jeremiah Allen (born 26 May 1828)
--Melinda Allen (born 19 June 1830)
--Isaac Allen born (14 August 1832)
--Lydia Ann Allen (born 9 April 1842)
--James P. Allen (born 10 September 1847)
--David S. Allen (born 10 June 1850)
--Charles P. Allen (born 17 May 1853)
William and Emma Blue were living in Indianapolis in the 1900 and 1910 censuses (residing at 1329 Cornell Ave. and 542 Tennessee Ave., respectively), then moved to Delaware Township, Hamilton County, Indiana for the 1920 and 1930 censuses, where he was a farmer.
Contact: Lynn Hiller (4927 Grandview Circle, Midland MI 48640; terry.lynn@hotmail.com)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Query: BRATTEN/SPAUGH of Bartholomew County
BRATTEN/SPAUGH--Looking for information on the ancestry of John R. BRATTEN or BRATTON (born about 1848 in Clifty Township, Bartholomew County, Indiana; died after 1880) and Iva SPAUGH (born about 1849 in Indiana; died 10 November 1884 in Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana), who married 27 September 1866 in Bartholomew County. They had children:
--Monta V. (born about 1867 in Indiana)—married Herman RETHWISCH on 7 November 1889 in Bartholomew County.
--Edward E. (born about 1870 in Indiana)—married Cassie B. ARMSTRONG on 7 December 1892 in Kankakee County, Illinois.
--Luella M. (born about 1872 in Indiana)—married Robert H. GIBSON on 19 January 1889 in Bartholomew County.
--Irwin F. (born about 1879 in Indiana; died after 1880)
John R. Bratten was the son of Robert Bratten (born about 1817 in Virginia; died 1870-1880) and Sarah ?? (born about 1816 in Ohio; died 26 March 1885 in Clifty Township, Bartholomew County), who were next door to John R. in the 1870 and 1880 Bartholomew County censuses. Robert and Sarah Bratten had other children:
--Elizabeth (born about 1839 in Indiana)
--Nancy Jane (born about 1852 in Indiana; died 3 May 1885 in Clifty Township, Bartholomew County)
John R. Bratten may have remarried after Iva’s death. I would also like to find out more about his children—I only know about his son Edward E.
Contact: Winnie Koukol (2464 E. 29th Rd., Unit 25, Seneca IL 61360; koukol@uti.com)
--Monta V. (born about 1867 in Indiana)—married Herman RETHWISCH on 7 November 1889 in Bartholomew County.
--Edward E. (born about 1870 in Indiana)—married Cassie B. ARMSTRONG on 7 December 1892 in Kankakee County, Illinois.
--Luella M. (born about 1872 in Indiana)—married Robert H. GIBSON on 19 January 1889 in Bartholomew County.
--Irwin F. (born about 1879 in Indiana; died after 1880)
John R. Bratten was the son of Robert Bratten (born about 1817 in Virginia; died 1870-1880) and Sarah ?? (born about 1816 in Ohio; died 26 March 1885 in Clifty Township, Bartholomew County), who were next door to John R. in the 1870 and 1880 Bartholomew County censuses. Robert and Sarah Bratten had other children:
--Elizabeth (born about 1839 in Indiana)
--Nancy Jane (born about 1852 in Indiana; died 3 May 1885 in Clifty Township, Bartholomew County)
John R. Bratten may have remarried after Iva’s death. I would also like to find out more about his children—I only know about his son Edward E.
Contact: Winnie Koukol (2464 E. 29th Rd., Unit 25, Seneca IL 61360; koukol@uti.com)
Research Tips: Never Stop Learning
by Mary Lou Bevers
As the IGS At Large District Director, I sincerely hope that your interest in Indiana records will produce a pleasant research experience on your journey to build your family pedigree.
Indiana courthouses, libraries, and archives hold a vast amount of information essential to genealogy. It is the responsibility of the researcher, however, to take time to learn about ALL types of records and the important information that each might contain.
If you have not already done so, you might want to read the articles on the Research section of the IGS website (http://www.indgensoc.org/research.html). We can all learn something everyday. I know that I do, and I have been researching for 40 years! There are basics that are essential to learn before attempting to do any research. These basics will enable you to understand the research process and fully utilize records available to you.
Many wonderful primary records are available on the Internet, but most probate, deeds, and court case files will NEVER be online. The family trees, message boards and forums can provide clues to investigate, but you should never believe what they say until you find evidence to support the content. One misidentification can cause you to waste years researching the wrong people.
Finding others who are doing actual research on your families can be a very rewarding experience, but just accepting undocumented information as fact can be disastrous to your project. If you are relying on information without evidence, then now is the time for you to go to the records of your parents, grandparents, and on back, and gather their vital records, census from 1930 and before, plus other records such as probate, deeds and court case files that prove parent-to-child relationships. It is very easy to make misidentifications.
Always keep in mind that even official records often contain errors. That is why information should be gathered from multiple sources and then evaluated. If your genealogy is important to you, then you will want it to be accurate.
If you have done your work well thus far, you've realized that no other person can do your research as effectively as you. Recognizing the names of your ancestor's extended family and associates can lead you to needed information. If you are unable to travel to the Indiana counties where your interests lie, then contact people on the IGS Researchers List (http://www.indgensoc.org/research/researcherslist.pdf) who are listed for those counties, or listed for nearby counties, to see if they can help you. Their experience level and rates will vary, so be sure to inquire. Also, the Indiana County Genealogists (http://www.indgensoc.org/ICG.html) or local librarians (http://www.indgensoc.org/counties.html) may be able to direct you to appropriate sources.
In case you missed it, an article I wrote about courthouse research that appeared in the September 2006 issue of Indiana Genealogist might be helpful. Check at your local library for a copy of the issue.
I hope many of you will be coming to Indiana in August for the FGS Conference in Fort Wayne where you can learn more about our Indiana records and also good research techniques that apply anywhere you are researching. Please introduce yourself if you see me.
Happy Hunting!
As the IGS At Large District Director, I sincerely hope that your interest in Indiana records will produce a pleasant research experience on your journey to build your family pedigree.
Indiana courthouses, libraries, and archives hold a vast amount of information essential to genealogy. It is the responsibility of the researcher, however, to take time to learn about ALL types of records and the important information that each might contain.
If you have not already done so, you might want to read the articles on the Research section of the IGS website (http://www.indgensoc.org/research.html). We can all learn something everyday. I know that I do, and I have been researching for 40 years! There are basics that are essential to learn before attempting to do any research. These basics will enable you to understand the research process and fully utilize records available to you.
Many wonderful primary records are available on the Internet, but most probate, deeds, and court case files will NEVER be online. The family trees, message boards and forums can provide clues to investigate, but you should never believe what they say until you find evidence to support the content. One misidentification can cause you to waste years researching the wrong people.
Finding others who are doing actual research on your families can be a very rewarding experience, but just accepting undocumented information as fact can be disastrous to your project. If you are relying on information without evidence, then now is the time for you to go to the records of your parents, grandparents, and on back, and gather their vital records, census from 1930 and before, plus other records such as probate, deeds and court case files that prove parent-to-child relationships. It is very easy to make misidentifications.
Always keep in mind that even official records often contain errors. That is why information should be gathered from multiple sources and then evaluated. If your genealogy is important to you, then you will want it to be accurate.
If you have done your work well thus far, you've realized that no other person can do your research as effectively as you. Recognizing the names of your ancestor's extended family and associates can lead you to needed information. If you are unable to travel to the Indiana counties where your interests lie, then contact people on the IGS Researchers List (http://www.indgensoc.org/research/researcherslist.pdf) who are listed for those counties, or listed for nearby counties, to see if they can help you. Their experience level and rates will vary, so be sure to inquire. Also, the Indiana County Genealogists (http://www.indgensoc.org/ICG.html) or local librarians (http://www.indgensoc.org/counties.html) may be able to direct you to appropriate sources.
In case you missed it, an article I wrote about courthouse research that appeared in the September 2006 issue of Indiana Genealogist might be helpful. Check at your local library for a copy of the issue.
I hope many of you will be coming to Indiana in August for the FGS Conference in Fort Wayne where you can learn more about our Indiana records and also good research techniques that apply anywhere you are researching. Please introduce yourself if you see me.
Happy Hunting!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
FGS Conference in Fort Wayne
The Federation of Genealogical Societies will hold their annual conference (http://www.fgsconference.org) on August 15-18, 2007 at the Grand Wayne Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The theme will be “A Meeting At The Crossroads of America.”
The Indiana Genealogical Society is sponsoring a series of lectures at the conference. The lectures will focus on aspects of Indiana research. The schedule will be:
Saturday, August 18:
8-9 am "Exploring the Crossroads of America: Indiana Records and Repositories" - Curt B. Witcher
9:30-10:30 am "Research in Indiana Church Records" - John D. Beatty
11 am-Noon "If I Were A Record, Where Would I Hide? Mining Indiana's Court Records" - John J. Newman
Luncheon--12:15-1:45 pm "FamilySearch Indexing Comes to Indiana: The Marriage Index Project" - Stephen Valentine
2-3 pm "German Protestant Church Records in Indiana" - Roger Minert
3:30-4:30 pm "Timeless Treasures in the Indiana State Archives" - Jim Corridan
5-6 pm "Indiana Newspaper Research" - Dawne Slater-Putt
The Indiana Genealogical Society is sponsoring a series of lectures at the conference. The lectures will focus on aspects of Indiana research. The schedule will be:
Saturday, August 18:
8-9 am "Exploring the Crossroads of America: Indiana Records and Repositories" - Curt B. Witcher
9:30-10:30 am "Research in Indiana Church Records" - John D. Beatty
11 am-Noon "If I Were A Record, Where Would I Hide? Mining Indiana's Court Records" - John J. Newman
Luncheon--12:15-1:45 pm "FamilySearch Indexing Comes to Indiana: The Marriage Index Project" - Stephen Valentine
2-3 pm "German Protestant Church Records in Indiana" - Roger Minert
3:30-4:30 pm "Timeless Treasures in the Indiana State Archives" - Jim Corridan
5-6 pm "Indiana Newspaper Research" - Dawne Slater-Putt
Friday, May 11, 2007
Wells County Genealogist Appointed
The Indiana Genealogical Society has appointed Connie Brubaker as the Indiana County Genealogist (ICG) for Wells County. A Uniondale resident, Connie has lived in the county over 50 years and been involved with the Wells County Genealogy Society (http://www.rootsweb.com/~inwells/society.html) since 1992. Their former Vice-President and newsletter editor, she has been President since 1999. She’s leading them through their current project—an every-name index of Wells County deeds 1837-1900.
Connie has personally compiled several publications about the county, including estray records 1837-1877, an assessor’s book, tax records and information on the locations of all the cemeteries. She is working on a history of Uniondale. She has visited and personally indexed over a dozen cemeteries, and has led several cemetery restoration workshops with stone expert Mark Davis.
Connie is also Vice-President of the Wells County Historical Society (http://www.wchs-museum.org) and is curator of the Wells County Museum, where she is in charge of their exhibits and event planning.
Contact Connie Brubaker at cbrubaker@onlyinternet.net
About ICG
Indiana County Genealogist is a program of the Indiana Genealogical Society. Its goal is to appoint qualified individuals to represent each of the 92 counties in Indiana. The ICG is a liaison between the Indiana Genealogical Society and local organizations and individuals, acting as a conduit for genealogy-related news. For more details, visit http://www.indgensoc.org/ICG.html
Connie has personally compiled several publications about the county, including estray records 1837-1877, an assessor’s book, tax records and information on the locations of all the cemeteries. She is working on a history of Uniondale. She has visited and personally indexed over a dozen cemeteries, and has led several cemetery restoration workshops with stone expert Mark Davis.
Connie is also Vice-President of the Wells County Historical Society (http://www.wchs-museum.org) and is curator of the Wells County Museum, where she is in charge of their exhibits and event planning.
Contact Connie Brubaker at cbrubaker@onlyinternet.net
About ICG
Indiana County Genealogist is a program of the Indiana Genealogical Society. Its goal is to appoint qualified individuals to represent each of the 92 counties in Indiana. The ICG is a liaison between the Indiana Genealogical Society and local organizations and individuals, acting as a conduit for genealogy-related news. For more details, visit http://www.indgensoc.org/ICG.html
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Marriage Indexing: Permission Affidavits
Some batches you might be getting now are NOT LICENSES and NOT MARRIAGES. They are permission affidavits. Please read what it says and if there is nothing to say that a license was issued or that a marriage took place, index only the bride and the groom's name, the County, and the year the record was created. DO NOT fill in any other information.
If you cannot identify what the document is, please return the batch rather than indexing a lot of information that an arbitrator will have to remove. Or if you have questions, get in touch with me at indexing@indgensoc.org.
If you cannot identify what the document is, please return the batch rather than indexing a lot of information that an arbitrator will have to remove. Or if you have questions, get in touch with me at indexing@indgensoc.org.
1894 Wabash County Directory on Sale
The Wabash County Genealogical Society (http://www.rootsweb.com/~inwcgs/) is now accepting pre-publication orders for its reprinting of the 1894 Wabash County directory (published by Trusler & Parmenter), which totals 254 pages. The pre-publication price is $12 + $6 shipping & handling (after July 1, the price goes up to $15).
Make checks payable to Wabash County Genealogical Society and mail to:
Barbara Amiss
654 E. 1000N
North Manchester, IN 46962-8706
Make checks payable to Wabash County Genealogical Society and mail to:
Barbara Amiss
654 E. 1000N
North Manchester, IN 46962-8706
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Marriage Indexing: Index Like You Read A Book!
Each image is a picture of a book and like a book there is a page on the left and another on the right.
Please index in exactly the same order you would use for reading two pages of a book. Start at the top left and read/index to the bottom of that page before moving on to the top of the right hand page. Index/read down the right hand page to the bottom and then you are ready to move on the next pages/image.
Please index in exactly the same order you would use for reading two pages of a book. Start at the top left and read/index to the bottom of that page before moving on to the top of the right hand page. Index/read down the right hand page to the bottom and then you are ready to move on the next pages/image.
Marriage Indexing: 200,000 and Climbing!
You did it! We are over 200,000 records indexed and thanks to all our arbitrators -- old and new -- our percentage of records arbitrated in now 44%! That is more than fantastic!
This summer will see this group hitting the half million mark in records indexed, I'd be willing to bet. I'll keep you posted and when we get close we'll see who can pick the day we hit that magic mark!
Thanks to all the Indiana marriage indexers and arbitrators for making the project a terrific success! We really couldn't do it without each and everyone of you!!!!!!!
This summer will see this group hitting the half million mark in records indexed, I'd be willing to bet. I'll keep you posted and when we get close we'll see who can pick the day we hit that magic mark!
Thanks to all the Indiana marriage indexers and arbitrators for making the project a terrific success! We really couldn't do it without each and everyone of you!!!!!!!
Computer Users Group for Genealogy Software
The Wabash Valley Genealogy Society (http://www.inwvgs.org) has formed a computer users group to discuss the genealogy software Legacy 6.0 (by Millennia Corporation). This group meets the 4th Wednesday of the month from 2 to 4 pm in the Computer Lab of the Vigo County Public Library (http://www.vigo.lib.in.us) in Terre Haute. Upcoming meetings will be May 23 and June 27.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
"Hooked on History" series in Franklin County
The Whitewater Valley Community Library District (http://www.wvcl.org/brookville/) in Franklin County is hosting a series of informative programs about local history at 6:30 pm on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at its Brookville location. Upcoming programs will include:
Wednesday, May 16
Topic: Franklin County: A Glimpse of the Past
Presenter: Melissa Lilly-Spillers and Sherry Allen
Wednesday, June 20
Topic: Springfield Township, A History
Presenter: Don Dunaway
Wednesday, July 18
Topic: What Was There?
Presenter: Julie Schlesselman
Wednesday, August 15
Topic: A Town Under Water: Recollections of Fairfield
Presenter: Marilyn Luke Gausman
Wednesday, September 19
Topic: Franklin County Narratives: History and Fiction
Presenter: Chuck Grimes
Wednesday, October 17
Topic: Francis Asbury Shoup
Presenter: Donna Murray
If you have a particular interest in something or someone related to Franklin County, you are invited to submit your program idea and be a possible presenter. For more information, contact julie@wvcl.org or phone (765) 647-4031.
Wednesday, May 16
Topic: Franklin County: A Glimpse of the Past
Presenter: Melissa Lilly-Spillers and Sherry Allen
Wednesday, June 20
Topic: Springfield Township, A History
Presenter: Don Dunaway
Wednesday, July 18
Topic: What Was There?
Presenter: Julie Schlesselman
Wednesday, August 15
Topic: A Town Under Water: Recollections of Fairfield
Presenter: Marilyn Luke Gausman
Wednesday, September 19
Topic: Franklin County Narratives: History and Fiction
Presenter: Chuck Grimes
Wednesday, October 17
Topic: Francis Asbury Shoup
Presenter: Donna Murray
If you have a particular interest in something or someone related to Franklin County, you are invited to submit your program idea and be a possible presenter. For more information, contact julie@wvcl.org or phone (765) 647-4031.
Placing Genealogy in Historical Context
The Indiana African-American Genealogy Group (P.O. Box 1811, Indianapolis IN 46206-1811) will meet on Saturday, May 19 from 1 to 3 pm at the Indiana State Library (http://www.statelib.lib.in.us). Brenda Pitts will present a program on "Placing Genealogy in Historical Context," which will discuss the John Copeland family of North Carolina & Ohio and their role in the Civil War. A meet & greet will follow. For more information, contact Dona Stokes-Lucas (donnastokes-lucas@juno.com)
GenFest 2007 in northeast Indiana
The Marion Public Library (http://www.marion.lib.in.us) in northeast Indiana will be the site of this year's GenFest on June 8-9, 2007.
GenFest began at a picnic for genealogists in Delaware County, Indiana about four years ago as a way for people to devote a couple of days to genealogy and to share knowledge. It was soon expanded to a regional event.
This year's events will include: a barbecue; extended hours for researchers at the Marion Public Library on Friday, June 8; and genealogy exhibitors, as well as demonstrations of the Indiana Marriage Indexing Project software by Shirley Richison Fields. All events are free, and there will be a food vendor on site to purchase food from.
Registration forms are available on the library’s website(http://www.marion.lib.in.us/genfest/genfest07.htm)
GenFest began at a picnic for genealogists in Delaware County, Indiana about four years ago as a way for people to devote a couple of days to genealogy and to share knowledge. It was soon expanded to a regional event.
This year's events will include: a barbecue; extended hours for researchers at the Marion Public Library on Friday, June 8; and genealogy exhibitors, as well as demonstrations of the Indiana Marriage Indexing Project software by Shirley Richison Fields. All events are free, and there will be a food vendor on site to purchase food from.
Registration forms are available on the library’s website(http://www.marion.lib.in.us/genfest/genfest07.htm)
Researching Confederate Ancestors
Peggy Barnes Fox, former director of the Confederate Research Center in Hillsboro, Texas, recently began a research consulting service. She has 26 years experience in researching Civil War ancestors and specializes in Confederate research. Contact her with any questions or problems--peggyfox1861@sbcglobal.net or phone (254) 582-8127.
Marriage Indexing: Don't add info that isn't there!
Please do not add information, such as "Indiana" if it isn't indicated on the record. If it just says a county name, then that is ALL you are supposed to enter. I'm getting reports that some indexer(s) are adding Indiana to the county name even when it is not indicated on the record itself.
Also, please pay attention to the Auto Complete feature of the program. If you type "A" for the month, you'll get April since alphabetically it comes before August. The same holds true for March and May. If you're dealing with a name and you just typed "Charlotte" on a previous record and now you enter a name of "William C" you are quite likely to end up with "William Charlotte" as the man's name! Check your menu bar and turn off the Auto Complete feature if it is giving you trouble. If you leave it on, please pay attention to what is being filled in for you by the program.
Thanks! And know that we are fast approaching 200,000 records indexed--probably within the next few days!
Also, please pay attention to the Auto Complete feature of the program. If you type "A" for the month, you'll get April since alphabetically it comes before August. The same holds true for March and May. If you're dealing with a name and you just typed "Charlotte" on a previous record and now you enter a name of "William C" you are quite likely to end up with "William Charlotte" as the man's name! Check your menu bar and turn off the Auto Complete feature if it is giving you trouble. If you leave it on, please pay attention to what is being filled in for you by the program.
Thanks! And know that we are fast approaching 200,000 records indexed--probably within the next few days!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Marriage Indexing: Roll of Honor
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Query: GOLDSMITH of Harrison County
GOLDSMITH—Looking for information on the family of my great-great-grandmother, Mary Jane GOLDSMITH (born about 1800 in Harrison County, Indiana). She married David SHIELDS (born about 1800 in Fulton County, Illinois) on August 24, 1826 in Harrison County, Indiana. They had a son named Samuel Heizer Shields—is HEIZER/HIZER a family name? I believe they also had a daughter named Naomi.
All I know about Mary Jane’s family was that her father was named Samuel Goldsmith. Is the Samuel Goldsmith who married Lydia BOOKER on October 31, 1835 in Harrison County any relation? If anyone has any information on this family, I would appreciate it.
Contact: Christina Schnitzer, 641 Providence St., Albany NY 12208; Phone (518) 489-0222; crschn@aol.com
All I know about Mary Jane’s family was that her father was named Samuel Goldsmith. Is the Samuel Goldsmith who married Lydia BOOKER on October 31, 1835 in Harrison County any relation? If anyone has any information on this family, I would appreciate it.
Contact: Christina Schnitzer, 641 Providence St., Albany NY 12208; Phone (518) 489-0222; crschn@aol.com
Query: ROUSE/THRELKELD of Marion and Hancock counties
ROUSE/THRELKELD--Searching for descendants of George J. ROUSE (born about 1841-1843 in Indiana; died after 1870) who married Amanda McMULLEN (born about 1841 in Indiana; died after 1880) on 18 February 1863 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana. They were in the 1870 census in Aroma, Kankakee County, Illinois, with daughters Julia (born about 1866 in Illinois) and Etie (born about 1869 in Illinois). Amanda Rouse remarried to Edmund C. MARINE/MERINE (born about 1832 in Indiana; died after 1880) on 25 October 1877 in Kankakee County, Illinois and they are in the 1880 census in Howard County, Nebraska, with daughters Julia (born about 1865 in Illinois) and Luella (born about 1875 in Illinois).
George J. Rouse was the son of Joel Albert Rouse (born about 1814 in Virginia; died after 1880). George had several siblings:
--Hiram J. “Jack” Rouse (born about 1834 in Indiana; died after 1870)—married Phoebe ARTHUR (born about 1838-1844 in Ohio) on 1 January 1861 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.
--Louis Napoleon Rouse (born about 1838 in Indiana)--married 1) Hannah PITCHER (his first cousin) on 8 January 1859 in Edgar County, Illinois; 2) Mrs. Mary Ann (HANCOCK) BILYARD on 19 August 1891 in Kankakee County, Illinois.
--Elizabeth Kesiah Rouse (born about 1842 in Indiana; died after 1873)—married Thomas THRELKELD on 11 October 1861 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.
---Harrison T. (born about 1845 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--Charles Benjamin (born about 1847 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--Leanna or Louisa E. (born about February 1850 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--Thomas T. (born about 1852 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--David B. (born about 1854 in Indiana; died after 1880)
--Eliza J. (born about 1856 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--Benjamin F. (born about 1858 in Indiana; died after 1880)
--Clarissa (born about 1860 in Indiana; died after 1880)
--Josephine/Georgana (born about 1862 in Illinois; died after 1880)
Joel Rouse married Sarah PITCHER (died 1847) and she was the mother of his first five children. He then married Mary J. FLINT (born about 1831 in Indiana; died after 1880) on 8 February 1849 in Marion County, Indiana. They are in the 1850 census in Sugar Creek Township, Hancock County, Indiana, then moved to Franklin Township, Marion County for the 1860 census. In the 1870 and 1880 censuses, they are in Rockville, Kankakee County, Illinois.
I am also interested in finding the descendants of Elizabeth (Rouse) Threlkeld—she was living with her brother Hiram Jack Rouse in the 1870 census in Indianapolis as well as an 1873 city directory for Indianapolis. What happened to their brother Harrison T. Rouse?
Anita Schmidt
George J. Rouse was the son of Joel Albert Rouse (born about 1814 in Virginia; died after 1880). George had several siblings:
--Hiram J. “Jack” Rouse (born about 1834 in Indiana; died after 1870)—married Phoebe ARTHUR (born about 1838-1844 in Ohio) on 1 January 1861 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.
--Louis Napoleon Rouse (born about 1838 in Indiana)--married 1) Hannah PITCHER (his first cousin) on 8 January 1859 in Edgar County, Illinois; 2) Mrs. Mary Ann (HANCOCK) BILYARD on 19 August 1891 in Kankakee County, Illinois.
--Elizabeth Kesiah Rouse (born about 1842 in Indiana; died after 1873)—married Thomas THRELKELD on 11 October 1861 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.
---Harrison T. (born about 1845 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--Charles Benjamin (born about 1847 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--Leanna or Louisa E. (born about February 1850 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--Thomas T. (born about 1852 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--David B. (born about 1854 in Indiana; died after 1880)
--Eliza J. (born about 1856 in Indiana; died after 1860)
--Benjamin F. (born about 1858 in Indiana; died after 1880)
--Clarissa (born about 1860 in Indiana; died after 1880)
--Josephine/Georgana (born about 1862 in Illinois; died after 1880)
Joel Rouse married Sarah PITCHER (died 1847) and she was the mother of his first five children. He then married Mary J. FLINT (born about 1831 in Indiana; died after 1880) on 8 February 1849 in Marion County, Indiana. They are in the 1850 census in Sugar Creek Township, Hancock County, Indiana, then moved to Franklin Township, Marion County for the 1860 census. In the 1870 and 1880 censuses, they are in Rockville, Kankakee County, Illinois.
I am also interested in finding the descendants of Elizabeth (Rouse) Threlkeld—she was living with her brother Hiram Jack Rouse in the 1870 census in Indianapolis as well as an 1873 city directory for Indianapolis. What happened to their brother Harrison T. Rouse?
Anita Schmidt
Query: WINSTON/SCOLLARD of Boone County
WINSTON—Patrick WINSTON (born about 1833 in Ireland) applied for a marriage license in Boone County, Indiana on March 17, 1857. His intended bride was named either Mary S. KOLLARD or Mary SCOLLARD (born about 1839 in Ireland). I've not been able to find a return of the marriage license, and Catholic churches in the area have no record of the marriage.
Patrick and Mary had children:
--Albert John Winston (born November 1857 in Indiana)
--Sarah E. Winston (born about March 1860 in Nebraska)
They were in the 1860 census in Dixon County, Nebraska, near the household of John SCOLLARD (born about 1837 in County Kerry, Ireland).
Any information on Patrick and his family would be appreciated, especially proof of his marriage to Mary, or son Albert's birth or baptism record.
Contact: Brian McCarthy, 811 Kingston Ct., San Diego CA 92109-7633; xmccarthy@msn.com
Patrick and Mary had children:
--Albert John Winston (born November 1857 in Indiana)
--Sarah E. Winston (born about March 1860 in Nebraska)
They were in the 1860 census in Dixon County, Nebraska, near the household of John SCOLLARD (born about 1837 in County Kerry, Ireland).
Any information on Patrick and his family would be appreciated, especially proof of his marriage to Mary, or son Albert's birth or baptism record.
Contact: Brian McCarthy, 811 Kingston Ct., San Diego CA 92109-7633; xmccarthy@msn.com
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Query: ARTHUR/ROUSE of Marion County
ARTHUR/ROUSE--Searching for information on the family of Phoebe ARTHUR (born about 1838 in Ohio), who married Hiram Jack ROUSE (born about 1833 in Indiana; son of Joel A. Rouse) on 1 January 1861 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana. Phoebe was in the household of John A. WONNELL (born about 1820 in Ohio) and wife Louisa (born about 1822 in Ohio) and family in the 1860 census in Marion County. Who were Phoebe’s parents? Where was she born in Ohio?
Contact: Anita Schmidt (aschmidt2@roadrunner.com)
Contact: Anita Schmidt (aschmidt2@roadrunner.com)
Civil War Society Inducts Inaugural Members
The Society of Civil War Families of Indiana inducted their first members at a ceremony during the Indiana Genealogical Society's annual conference on April 28 in Fort Wayne.
These new members submitted their applications during the 2006 calendar year. SCWFI evaluators Ron Darrah, Diana Moore, and David Gladding-Vanderipe examined the evidence provided and approved their submissions.
During the ceremony, which was held in the theater of the Allen County Public Library, SCWFI members received their membership certificates and society medals. Members of the 19th Indiana Infantry, a Civil War reenactment group (participating in full uniform), assisted in the presentations. A photo session followed the ceremony.
The Indiana Genealogical Society congratulates all the new SCWFI members:
1) Sara E. Harrell Brown of Marion, IN
ancestor: Joseph Patterson, 11th IN Cavalry, Huntington County
2) Michael L. Lance of Spring, TX
ancestor: Finas Euen Lance, 12th IN Vol. Inf., Pike County
3) Mobie McCammon of Bloomington, IN
ancestor: William McCammon, 43rd IN Vol. Inf., Lawrence County
4) Roberta Ruth Caito of Indianapolis, IN
ancestor: John C. Hester, 19th IN Vol. Inf., Jay County
5) Larry W. Collins of Maineville, OH
ancestor: Americus Hedden, 91st IN Vol. Inf., Daviess County
6) Elizabeth A. Hyde Knapp of Bloomington, IN
ancestor: Isaac Porter Hopewell, 43rd IN Vol. Inf., Monroe County
7) Becky E. Higgins of Streamwood, IL
ancestor: Eliphalet Barber Miller, 68th IN Vol. Inf., Rush County
ancestor: Benjamin A. Stewart, 82nd IN Vol. Inf., Jefferson County
8) Lina M. Zerkle of Waterloo, IN
ancestor: Daniel F. Hamman, 88th IN Vol. Inf., DeKalb County
9) Judith A. McCoy of S. Palm Beach, FL
ancestor: John A. McCoy, 65th IN Vol. Inf., Spencer County
10) Diana S. Moore of Indianapolis, IN
ancestor: James M. Moore, 76th IN Vol. Inf., Shelby County
ancestor: William Baker, 70th IN Vol. Inf., Shelby County
11) Richard E. Ford of Wabash, IN
ancestor: James Ford, 8th IN Vol. Inf., Wabash County
12) Robert W. Reid of Indianapolis, IN
ancestor: Peter Langwill, 83rd IN Vol. Inf., Ripley County
13) Nathan C. Bowen, Jr. of Fayetteville, NC
ancestor: Tavner B. Bowen, 120th IN Vol. Inf., Knox County
ancestor: William G. Booker, 30th IN Vol. Inf., Sullivan County
14) Kenneth M. Bowen of Fayetteville, NC
ancestor: Tavner B. Bowen, 120th IN Vol. Inf., Knox County
15) Patricia R. Pittman of Fayetteville, NC
ancestor: Tavner B. Bowen, 120th IN Vol. Inf., Knox County
16) Evelyn K. Rhodes of Fayetteville, NC
ancestor: Tavner B. Bowen, 120th IN Vol. Inf., Knox County
17) Rhonda J. Stoffer of Warren, IN
ancestor: Thaddeus Camblin, 54th IN Vol. Inf., Grant County
18) Rebeckah R. Wiseman of Albion, IN
ancestor: William Brubaker, 17th IN Vol. Inf. & 152nd IN. Vol. Inf., Whitley County
ancestor: Jacob Wise, 30th IN Vol. Inf., Whitley County
19) Carolyn S. Jones of Salem, IN
ancestor: John Fearnot, 124th IN Vol. Inf., Greene County
ancestor: Joseph W. Whitworth, 145th IN Vol. Inf., Greene County
20) Michael M. Maben of Bloomington, IN
ancestor: Richard Cox, 67th IN Vol. Inf. & 24th IN Vol. Inf., Lawrence County
21) David L. Bonnett of Terre Haute, IN
ancestor: William Balfe, 11th IN Vol. Cav., Vigo County
22) Sherman D. Belcher of Vallonia, IN
ancestor: William Fry, 31st IN Vol. Inf., Monroe County
23) Richard J. Sprague of Anderson, IN
ancestor: James Sprague, 10th IN Vol. Inf., White County
24) Martha Jane Latko of Highland, IN
ancestor: Holdridge Clark, 151st IN Vol. Inf., Jasper County
ancestor: George P. Daugherty, 11th IN Vol. Cav., Jasper County
25) Karen H. Loy of Columbus, IN
ancestor: Jacob Grow, 83rd IN Vol. Inf. & 17th IN Res. Inf., Jackson County
26) Ann Carrington of Fort Lupton, CO
ancestor: Edmond H. Carrington, 43rd IN Vol. Inf., Hendricks County
27) Jay B. Wright of Fayetteville, NY
ancestor: Isaac S. Collings, 57th IN Vol. Inf., Hamilton County
28) Carol H. Blohm of Carpentersville, IL
ancestor: William Cato, 143rd IN Vol. Inf., Dubois County
29) Janice Blanchard of Kokomo, IN
ancestor: Ira A. Lynch, 10th IN Vol. Inf., Fayette County
ancestor: Milton Sprong, 104th IN Vol. Inf., Fayette County
30) Irene H. Krieger of Batesville, IN
ancestor: Asa Hart, 7th IN Vol. Inf., Decatur County
Applications for 2007 are now being accepted. The deadline to apply is December 31, 2007, with the new members to be inducted during a ceremony at the IGS annual conference on April 5, 2008 in Evansville, Indiana. Application forms are available on the IGS website (http://www.indgensoc.org/SCWFI.html)
These new members submitted their applications during the 2006 calendar year. SCWFI evaluators Ron Darrah, Diana Moore, and David Gladding-Vanderipe examined the evidence provided and approved their submissions.
During the ceremony, which was held in the theater of the Allen County Public Library, SCWFI members received their membership certificates and society medals. Members of the 19th Indiana Infantry, a Civil War reenactment group (participating in full uniform), assisted in the presentations. A photo session followed the ceremony.
The Indiana Genealogical Society congratulates all the new SCWFI members:
1) Sara E. Harrell Brown of Marion, IN
ancestor: Joseph Patterson, 11th IN Cavalry, Huntington County
2) Michael L. Lance of Spring, TX
ancestor: Finas Euen Lance, 12th IN Vol. Inf., Pike County
3) Mobie McCammon of Bloomington, IN
ancestor: William McCammon, 43rd IN Vol. Inf., Lawrence County
4) Roberta Ruth Caito of Indianapolis, IN
ancestor: John C. Hester, 19th IN Vol. Inf., Jay County
5) Larry W. Collins of Maineville, OH
ancestor: Americus Hedden, 91st IN Vol. Inf., Daviess County
6) Elizabeth A. Hyde Knapp of Bloomington, IN
ancestor: Isaac Porter Hopewell, 43rd IN Vol. Inf., Monroe County
7) Becky E. Higgins of Streamwood, IL
ancestor: Eliphalet Barber Miller, 68th IN Vol. Inf., Rush County
ancestor: Benjamin A. Stewart, 82nd IN Vol. Inf., Jefferson County
8) Lina M. Zerkle of Waterloo, IN
ancestor: Daniel F. Hamman, 88th IN Vol. Inf., DeKalb County
9) Judith A. McCoy of S. Palm Beach, FL
ancestor: John A. McCoy, 65th IN Vol. Inf., Spencer County
10) Diana S. Moore of Indianapolis, IN
ancestor: James M. Moore, 76th IN Vol. Inf., Shelby County
ancestor: William Baker, 70th IN Vol. Inf., Shelby County
11) Richard E. Ford of Wabash, IN
ancestor: James Ford, 8th IN Vol. Inf., Wabash County
12) Robert W. Reid of Indianapolis, IN
ancestor: Peter Langwill, 83rd IN Vol. Inf., Ripley County
13) Nathan C. Bowen, Jr. of Fayetteville, NC
ancestor: Tavner B. Bowen, 120th IN Vol. Inf., Knox County
ancestor: William G. Booker, 30th IN Vol. Inf., Sullivan County
14) Kenneth M. Bowen of Fayetteville, NC
ancestor: Tavner B. Bowen, 120th IN Vol. Inf., Knox County
15) Patricia R. Pittman of Fayetteville, NC
ancestor: Tavner B. Bowen, 120th IN Vol. Inf., Knox County
16) Evelyn K. Rhodes of Fayetteville, NC
ancestor: Tavner B. Bowen, 120th IN Vol. Inf., Knox County
17) Rhonda J. Stoffer of Warren, IN
ancestor: Thaddeus Camblin, 54th IN Vol. Inf., Grant County
18) Rebeckah R. Wiseman of Albion, IN
ancestor: William Brubaker, 17th IN Vol. Inf. & 152nd IN. Vol. Inf., Whitley County
ancestor: Jacob Wise, 30th IN Vol. Inf., Whitley County
19) Carolyn S. Jones of Salem, IN
ancestor: John Fearnot, 124th IN Vol. Inf., Greene County
ancestor: Joseph W. Whitworth, 145th IN Vol. Inf., Greene County
20) Michael M. Maben of Bloomington, IN
ancestor: Richard Cox, 67th IN Vol. Inf. & 24th IN Vol. Inf., Lawrence County
21) David L. Bonnett of Terre Haute, IN
ancestor: William Balfe, 11th IN Vol. Cav., Vigo County
22) Sherman D. Belcher of Vallonia, IN
ancestor: William Fry, 31st IN Vol. Inf., Monroe County
23) Richard J. Sprague of Anderson, IN
ancestor: James Sprague, 10th IN Vol. Inf., White County
24) Martha Jane Latko of Highland, IN
ancestor: Holdridge Clark, 151st IN Vol. Inf., Jasper County
ancestor: George P. Daugherty, 11th IN Vol. Cav., Jasper County
25) Karen H. Loy of Columbus, IN
ancestor: Jacob Grow, 83rd IN Vol. Inf. & 17th IN Res. Inf., Jackson County
26) Ann Carrington of Fort Lupton, CO
ancestor: Edmond H. Carrington, 43rd IN Vol. Inf., Hendricks County
27) Jay B. Wright of Fayetteville, NY
ancestor: Isaac S. Collings, 57th IN Vol. Inf., Hamilton County
28) Carol H. Blohm of Carpentersville, IL
ancestor: William Cato, 143rd IN Vol. Inf., Dubois County
29) Janice Blanchard of Kokomo, IN
ancestor: Ira A. Lynch, 10th IN Vol. Inf., Fayette County
ancestor: Milton Sprong, 104th IN Vol. Inf., Fayette County
30) Irene H. Krieger of Batesville, IN
ancestor: Asa Hart, 7th IN Vol. Inf., Decatur County
Applications for 2007 are now being accepted. The deadline to apply is December 31, 2007, with the new members to be inducted during a ceremony at the IGS annual conference on April 5, 2008 in Evansville, Indiana. Application forms are available on the IGS website (http://www.indgensoc.org/SCWFI.html)
Representative Wanted for Bloomington Area
The Indiana Genealogical Society is looking for someone to be South Central District Director. The South Central District Director acts as a liaison for Bartholomew, Brown, Clark, Crawford, Floyd, Harrison, Jackson, Lawrence, Monroe, Orange, Scott and Washington counties, relaying the concerns (as well as activities) of genealogists and organizations in the area. The position is part of the IGS board and the district director is expected to attend the quarterly board meetings, which are held on Saturday mornings (usually in central Indiana).
If you are interested, please contact IGS President Michael Maben (mmaben@indiana.edu)
If you are interested, please contact IGS President Michael Maben (mmaben@indiana.edu)
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