FREE Database:
- History of Van Buren Township, Monroe County, Indiana (1940)A searchable index of 1,700 names and places that are mentioned in a 1940 township history. This database was contributed by Randi Richardson.
Premium Databases:
These databases are available to members of the Indiana Genealogical Society. Not a member? Join today and get access to these and more than 1,800 other databases!Jennings County:
- History of Vernon, Jennings County, Indiana (1818-1938)
Browsable digital images of a 1938 history of the town of Vernon. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
Randolph County:
- Students of Monroe Township Schools, Parker City, Randolph County, Indiana (1911)
Browsable digital images of the students in grades 1 through 12, as listed in Monroe Township High School's 1911 yearbook, The Oculus. Only the students in grades 9 through 12 are identified by name. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
- Teachers of Monroe Township Schools, Parker City, Randolph County, Indiana (1911)
Browsable digital images of the teachers in grades 1 through 12, as listed in Monroe Township High School's 1911 yearbook, The Oculus. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
Scott County:
- Tax List of Scott County, Indiana (1839)
Browsable digital images of those who owed property taxes in 1839, as listed in the Scott County Assessor's records. This listing includes the property owner's name and the number of acres they owned, as well as other details. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
Spencer County:
- Graduates of Grass Township High School, Spencer County, Indiana (1943)
An index of students who graduated from Grass Township High School in 1943, as listed in the school's 1943 commencement program. This database was contributed by Marlene Polster.
Washington County:
- Members of Lost River Baptist Church, Claysville, Washington County, Indiana (1836-1884)
Browsable digital images of a church membership list, as listed in a church minutes book for 1865-1906. The membership list includes their name, the year they were received and the year they died or were dismissed/excluded. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
- Inmates at Indiana Girls' School, Indianapolis Who Died (1877-1894)
An index of girls who died while inmates at the Indiana Girls' School, as listed in the institution's annual reports for the years 1877 through 1894.
- Prisoners Released from Indiana State Prison North, Michigan City, Indiana (1861)
An index of 69 prisoners who served their sentences and were released from the Indiana State Prison North in 1861, as listed in the institution's annual report for 1861. The index includes their name, age, the county they were sentenced from, and the details of their sentence.

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