FREE Databases:
Henry County:- Students of New Castle High School, Henry County, Indiana (1936)
Browsable digital images of students in grades 9 through 12, as listed in New Castle High School's 1936 yearbook, The Rosennial 1936. This database was contributed by Wayne Klusman.
- Teachers of New Castle High School, Henry County, Indiana (1936)
Browsable digital images of teachers in grades 9 through 12, as listed in New Castle High School's 1936 yearbook, The Rosennial 1936. This database was contributed by Wayne Klusman.
Premium Databases:
These databases are available to members of the Indiana Genealogical Society. Not a member? Join today and get access to these and more than 1,700 other databases!Jackson County:
- Students of Brownstown High School, Jackson County, Indiana (1933)
Browsable digital images of students in grades 7 through 12, as listed in Brownstown High School's 1933 yearbook, The Webb 1933. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
- Teachers of Brownstown High School, Jackson County, Indiana (1933)
Browsable digital images of teachers in grades 7 through 12, as listed in Brownstown High School's 1933 yearbook, The Webb 1933. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.
College Records:
- Graduates of Evansville College, Evansville (1966)
An index of 430 students who graduated from Evansville College, as listed in the school's 1966 commencement program. The index includes their name and the degree they received. NOTE: Evansville College later became the University of Evansville.
- Graduates of Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute (1954)
An index of 299 students who graduated from Indiana State Teachers College, as listed in the school's 1954 commencement program. The program only lists their names. NOTE: Indiana State Teachers College later became Indiana State University.
- Students of Moores Hill College, Dearborn County, Indiana (1897-1898)
An index of 325 students who attended Moores Hill College, as listed in the school's annual catalogs for 1896-1897 through the 1897-1898 school years. The index includes their name, hometown, class and subject of study. NOTE: Moores Hill College later became part of the University of Evansville.
- Graduates of Tri-State College, Angola (1912)
An index of 47 students who graduated from Tri-State College, as listed in the school's 1912 commencement program. The index includes their name and their subject of study. NOTE: Tri-State College later became Trine University.
Statewide Records:
- Coal Miners Killed in Indiana (1883-1888)
An index of 50 coal miners who were killed while working in Indiana, as listed in the state mine inspector's annual reports for 1883 through 1888. The index includes the date they died and the cause of death, along with the name of the coal mine and the county.
- Members of Independent Order of Odd Fellows Who Died in Indiana (1880-1885)
Browsable listings of members who died, as listed in semi-annual reports of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. This database was contributed by Ron Darrah.

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